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понедельник, 20 июля 2015 г.

F.lux - автоматическая подстройка монитора в зависимости от времени дня

F.lux for Linux: indicator applet available

July 25, 2010
We're happy to announce a proper Linux f.lux GUI, along with a ton of bugfixes to the command-line app.
The indicator project was done by Kilian Valkhof (creator of trimage), and he's posted the indicator applet source here on github. The new package uses Gnome's AppIndicator, so it works on Ubuntu 10.04+. We'll post packages for other versions soon.
In order to ensure you get updates as they're posted, you should add Kilian's repository and install like this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kilian/f.lux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fluxgui
Here's how it looks!

xflux daemon (command line, but for X-Windows)

September 2013

A 64-bit version with multiple monitor support is available here: xflux64.tgz
A 32-bit build with support for multiple monitors is available here: xflux-pre.tgz

Sometime back in 2009

The 32-bit command-line version is available here: xflux.tgz.